The City of Chicago Chapter of HBAGC is comprised of members who conduct business within the City of Chicago boundaries. Various networking and educational opportunities are available to members throughout the year. Through various committees, members are encouraged to actively participate at the chapter level in order to enhance their membership experience. One of the main focuses of the chapter is on governmental affairs within the City.

Annual Events

  • Golf Outing
  • Boat Cruise
  • Developer Panel
  • Holiday Party

Available for Download

White Paper – Creating More Affordable Housing in Chicago
HBAGC Framework For Discussions on Affordable Requirements Ordinance (ARO)

Enter your email to download.
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Pat Cardoni
Pat CardoniCity Chapter President
SG Home Builders


Bird Hoffman

Board of Directors

Andy Bower
Justin Bucy
Jaki Bujdei
Paul Colgan
Eamann Cummins
Danielle Dowell
David Goldman
Nicole Kolter
Marty Paris
Anjelica Schuda
Karen Schwartz
David Wayne